
The First letter

Hello everyone! this is my first ever blog so I have decided to write my first letter to all of you. In this rat-race and the greed to earn more and more money we sometimes forget that we are not living to earn but we are earning to live. Daily chores, unhappiness, dissatisfaction, dreams, goals, love….. so much we have in our tiny-miny brain! and we are so running after it.

Life is tough, yes indeed. So here I am to flush all the negative things out of your life and to make you smile! πŸ™‚ Love you people.

20 thoughts on “The First letter”

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, I wish you success in your endeavors. Life is not about living in the shell of negativity. Thanks for your decision to bring positive vibes to eradicate all form of negativity. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘


  2. Looks like we are from the same deck of cards, my goal is to shuffle people’s frowns and turn them upside down! ;o) Welcome to the blogland, I agree that we are earning to live. Happiness isn’t getting what you want, it’s wanting what you have.

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