
Not an I love you mother post!


Night brings silence and it leads me to a well of thoughts as a result I become over emotional and today the reason is my mother. I don’t hug her, neither I have ever said I love you to her.

Yes my father is irresponsible despite this she raised us.. all three of us. She sent us to the best school, never said no to any of my trips. I don’t know how she manages it, we have never slept with an empty stomach.

If I was in her place I might have undergone a mental breakdown because there is a limit up to which humans can handle stress. She runs a small shop and goes to various cities to do shopping, she carries 2 to 3 bags on her own! She is aging, I can see it.

Sometimes I just want to hold her hand and hug her tightly. I want to take away all of her pain. I will make you proud one day.

Mothers destroy themselves to build us. God! Please bless every mother and shower them with happiness.

29 thoughts on “Not an I love you mother post!”

      1. I know. Its js coz we r nt used to it. How many times haveyu said sorrys and luv yous. M sure mi8 be very few. Even though yu might have said it deep in yua heart. Thats just the way it has always been. I may be wrong, but i gurss m nt.

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  1. A simply amazing tribute that everyone should read and every Mother should appreciate…..that was truly touching, totally HallMark card worthy. That was beautiful just like you. don’t ever lose that heart you got and keep writing with that creative mind. That was so kind and so cool.


  2. The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.
    These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.

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