
What am I getting out of blogging?


Hey bloggers! I am 18 days old on WordPress and I have not written anything before it.

Nowadays I have a lot of time to spare. Empty mind is devil’s home so I used to spend more and more of my time being unproductive.

One fine day I decided that I will start writing. It is buried deep inside me and I have got it as a legacy from my parents.

Now after 18 days I have explored some facts that what I am getting out of blogging! Here are they:

1. Inner Peace: To be honest! From 18 days, I am feeling as light as a feather from inside. The hotch potch inside me has stopped.

2. Sharpening of skills: Thank you people! Your motivation and reviews are  helping me to become better and better day by day.

3. Expansion of social circle: Without any doubt I am getting a new family ❤

4. Productivity: Yes I am being productive and exploring a new me. I start each day with a thought “What will I write today!

5. I feel proud of myself 😂 😂 after reading my posts.

Without support of all of you I would not have been able to achieve it.
Love You All 😊

62 thoughts on “What am I getting out of blogging?”

  1. Well, blogging is getting a lot from you too because we bloggers are getting to meet a charismatic, creative and kindhearted person so we are the lucky ones to find a new family member. ;o) I’m lucky to have a favorite neighbor!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That one thing of getting better every day is the most satisfying one! 🙂 Happy writing.

    I would recommend some blogging courses from wordpress. That is how I started mine and they gave a great kick start.. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am so happy that you are getting so many wonderful benefits from blogging. Keep on writing I am really enjoying your blog!!!

    ❤ Aalana

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